Rullo di cannoni e squilli di trombe, mostre e mostri, eccovi il promo per la silent armada. La prima serie di custom basati sul canvas creato da KNGL in esclusiva per il mostro! Confezionati in blind box gli armada in resina da 5" sono in fase di customizzazione da parte degli artisti della nostra community che stanno producendo un totale di 50 custom. Primo appuntamento per vedere l' armada dal vivo 10 aprile presso la gallery Mondo Pop per un evento mega mega su cui il mostro vi ragguaglia a breve (una meganotizia alla volta!). Da qui al mese prossimo ovviamente le foto dei custom in resina e ossa verranno via via postati sul blog quindi restate sintonizzati.
Finally coming, the vinyl monster custom series one. This april, 50 custom handmade by our boardies go onsale. Based on the 5" original canvas created by KNGL, the armada is made of resin and 5" tall. We're glad to show some talent coming out from our board,11 artists ready to represent italy in the toyscene, showing we'll too have something to say, plus Timself of most wanted dunny fama as a special guest! Stay tuned for sneak peak to the actual customs along with purchase detail and release date.
Finally coming, the vinyl monster custom series one. This april, 50 custom handmade by our boardies go onsale. Based on the 5" original canvas created by KNGL, the armada is made of resin and 5" tall. We're glad to show some talent coming out from our board,11 artists ready to represent italy in the toyscene, showing we'll too have something to say, plus Timself of most wanted dunny fama as a special guest! Stay tuned for sneak peak to the actual customs along with purchase detail and release date.